Registers of Jerusalem Municipality Council during the Ottoman period
Held by Jerusalem City Archives (AIY)
Reference | JM-AIY/OttomanRegisters/Vol3/p4a/item21 |
Title | Sewage system works unfinished in Bethlehem’s Old City as Christmas approaches, 5 December 1894 (Gregorian calendar) - 23 Tishrîn Thânî 1310 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi) |
Dates | 1894-12-05 |
Dates Start | 1894-12-05 |
Dates End | 1894-12-05 |
Level of description | Item |
Extend and medium | 1 item |
Repository | Jerusalem City Archives (AIY) |
Name of creator(s) | Jerusalem Municipality (IY) |
Description | After examining this response and reviewing [all] related papers, it has become clear that both contractors mentioned [above] have failed to finish the sewage drains (laghm) in question. And in accordance with their authorization given by our council dated on the 15th of Tishrîn 'Awwal (1)309, a verification from our council of elders was given on the 20th of Tishrîn Thânî (1)309, stating that it is urgent to finish these sewage drains with the knowledge of the [municipal] engineer in accordance with the Request of the directorate of the Old City (qasaba) of Bethlehem. Given the delay in the sewage drains work, the whole stoppage of passage and the approach of Christmas during which the patriarchs come to the Old City. Given the heavy rain, it is also necessary to avoid the complaint of the residents and the ruin of the properties next to the sewage drains caused by the contractors who dug the sewage drains and left them without construction. Drawing on all this, and in accordance with the order of his Excellency the local governor (mutasarref) = = =, it has been decided by the council to authorize one of us, the respectable Tâhir Effendi. So, he has found that ten meters of the sewage drains built by the contractors were destroyed, and because of that a house of a woman --- was [partially] damaged. [Thus, it has been observed] that because of contractors' work and the plenty of rains and floods, all of the sand (?) that assigned for the work was pulled away. And with his knowledge [i. e. Tâhir Effendi] it has been decided to finish all what is needed on the expense of the contractors and to spend the amount of one thousand and eight hundred piasters that was claimed. So it has been decided to confirm what was recommended by the council and if there is something [left] to say to the contractors, they can direct to the court. In order to announce these directions to them, this decision was taken on the 23rd of Tishrîn Thânî 1(310). [5 signatures] |
Language of material | Arabic |